Speech After Long Silence...

It has been, what, a month and days since last I wrote on here? Much has happened in this time, and I've been busied beyond the ability to chronicle here. And, in fact, much of my writing effort has gone into the final throes of the Why Know curriculum, which now is done. And so I write to you.

Where am I now, and who? What face do I
Observe within the glass, which was not there
Before? And who the Artists which apply
The paint and chisel, this face to appear?
I scrutinise the hurt, confusion, doubt,
And see a little boy where yesterday
A man had been, a man who was about
His father's happy business, come what may--
But now, some figure formed of human hands
Presents himself to me, uncertain of
The goodness and the grace by which men stand
Whose lives are typified by honest love--
I cannot comprehend him, nor he me,
This face I wish I were too blind to see...

I probably ought to have written on here a few days ago, when my mood was lighter, but today I come with doubt and confusion. My chief fear is that I am not connected with the Body well right now, as I haven't spent deep time with faithful friends for perhaps the past month. But this alongside so many changing things in my circumstances and life right now make me feel doubt.

And even as I write this--I know that I will allow my doubt to make me only more desperate for the power of the Holy Spirit within me. I am desperate for Christ, to see Him in His body and in me. May the strength of my confusion today be that strength which drives me toward Him.

Perhaps I will explain all these things more later, but for now this hope will do.


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